Secure API Server Showdown Winner Announced

18. May 2018 EHR, EMR, Health, HIPAA 0
The Department of Health and Human Service’s Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) today announced the Stage 2 winner of the “Secure API Server Showdown” Challenge. Application programming interfaces (APIs) are technology that allow one software program to access the services provided by another software program. The 21st Century Cures Act ...

Donald Trump ponders North Korean threat to cancel Singapore summit with Kim Jong Un

Donald Trump ponders North Korean threat to cancel Singapore summit with Kim Jong Un  USA TODAY North Korea summit: US hopeful Trump-Kim meet will go ahead  BBC News The Latest: Japan Defends US-S. Korea Military Drills  U.S. News & World Report Is Trump’s Summit with North Korea About to Fall Apart? John Bolton proposed the ‘Libya model’ for ...